Discovering Asher Krohn

asher krohn

Relatively new to the acoustic guitar and vocal scene is Vancouver resident, Asher Krohn.

His artistry is truly unique in two important ways. The first, is that almost of the music he records and performs, are songs written by him. There is always something special about the sound when a musician, no matter their style, present followers with work created personally by them.

The other standout feature of Asher’s musical genius, is that his music can simply be enjoyed by anyone at anytime. Imagine yourself in everyday life – whether you’re driving to the coast for the weekend with your kids, cleaning the house, or on your way to work – with a presentation due at 9:15 am. – Asher’s music makes the perfect inspiration and companion!

Asher is an artist that has obviously spent hundreds of hours developing not only his own unique style, but technique as well. This is most apparent in his different strumming styles which he handily manages to vary depending on the mood and style of the tune. For example, when he performs “Flowers”, there is a heavier, rock style, technique introduced which sounds as if he has a bit more fingertip on the strings. It’s almost as if he is strumming a second “heartbeat” to the music when he performs more “rock like” tunes. In contrast, “Back to West”, finds him backing off a bit, giving a bit more attention to his vocals than overpowering guitar work

Overall, Asher’s style appeals brilliantly to 3 main music bases – rock, folk, and alternative (with a bit more emphasis on folk and alternative). He is the kind of artist that you’re almost able to “see” the joy on his face as he’s performing. Even though he’s obviously not stuck in traffic with you, his voice and smooth guitar style maintains your blood pressure at a normal level! Bold, confident, yet sensitive, best describe Asher and his style.

For further reading, check out these sites:

Asher Krohn Bandcamp

How to Find Your Perfect Guitar

Asher Krohn on Soundcloud