

Hailing from Clarksville, Tennessee, Ebonix is the moniker behind the work of Ryan Sandmire – an independent hip-hop artist with a truly eclectic and hands-on approach.

Ebonix set out to take control over his productions and music career, not only by learning how to produce and engineer his tracks, mastering the art (and technical skills) of music production, but also by grounding his own imprint, Ediction Entertainment.

Ebonix set out to create music that falls somewhere in between the old school (the warmth of analog sounding beat and cool synth lines and samples) and the focus and balance of modern productions, topped by a sharp lyrical flow.

Sure, talent comes in handy, but it’s nothing without the hard work you put into it!

Find out more and let the music do the rest of the talking:

Facebook: Facebook.com/therealebonix
Twitter: @3bonix
Website: EbonixMusic.com