Georgia Rose, a 20 year old Bristol based singer songwriter who grew up in London listening to her father’s old blues records. Her acoustic set is upbeat and soulful and her music contains thoughtful lyrics, informed by literature and myth, are often as slyly humorous as they are truthful.
Georgia really does have a unique tone, it is very delicate and soft when delivering a song to an audience, words fly out like a hand on silk. Her vocal ability and range is good however with development Georgia really could become something special, a lot of artists use a suite of equipment to emphasise there tone however Georgia’s tone is Natural, Honest, Melodic and i believe there is still more to come from Georgia Rose.
I was hooked from the first note of “Dusty Love” on Soundcloud, Georgia is capable of delivering a story however is in need of that hit track.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Twitter: @ggrose7