Messiah are an Indie Rock band from Edinburgh who won the first ever Rock Music Crown back in 2010 with their single ‘Out of Sight’ .
They were re a 5 piece Indie Rock band from Edinburgh but of late they have lost drummer Peter Paterson who has moved to Spain (February 2012) and lead guitarist Lyall Fraser. Formed in November 2009, the band are heavily influenced by British bands such as Oasis, The Stone Roses, Verve and Kasabian.
The remaining members consist of Jordan Douglas, Jak Mylchreest, Peter Paterson and Bryan Ramsay but Paterson and Fraser have since moved on.
[youtube id=”Vvv36aZMM_0″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
Currently the band are working towards releasing an EP due for release in early 2012 and presumably looking for new members so keep your eyes and ears peeled!
Messiah For The Animals
Twitter: @MessiahUK