Patrick McCallion’s Small Words – Rising Star Makes New Track Available To Fans.

Halifax’s very own Patrick McCallion is celebrating the rebranding of his musical persona by releasing the track ‘Light Entertainment’ to his fans for free.

As the singer/songwriter in the band ‘Small Words’ Patrick has already caught the attention of some key players in the music business, while previous release ‘Murky Waters’ has been causing quite a stir. The rebrand to ‘Patrick McCallion’s Small Words’ has been prompted by opportunities presenting themselves to Patrick McCallion as a writer and singer. Patrick feels that he has gone through too much under the name ‘Small Words’ to just drop the moniker.

New track ‘Light Entertainment’ is a rip roaring energetic commentary on the banality of lives lived out on social media, but ultimately it’s positive message, that you can achieve your goals with a bit of courage, makes this an uplifting ‘message song!’

There is an intelligent message and social conscience running through Patrick’s music, although this shouldn’t put off music lovers who just want to hear catchy guitar infused pop.

With impressive live performances alongside the likes of Primal Scream, Razorlight, The Fratellis and James Morrison and acclaimed releases ‘Murky Waters’, ‘Neat Little Package’ and ‘Nice’ Patrick McCallion is the real deal.

Punchy intelligent lyrics combined with impressive musicianship will surely see Patrick McCallion achieve anything he puts his mind to.

To download the track ‘Light Entertainment’ for free follow this link

See the video for Patrick’s previous release ‘Nice’


