(Image: alienstockfestival.com)
The group responsible for the Storm Area 51 viral phenomenon are now turning their attention to setting up a fully permitted music festival.
The Storm Area 51 event page was recently removed by Facebook, despite receiving over 2,000,000 RSVP’s and becoming a massive meme. While the event started as a joke account the US Air Force didn’t see the funny side, stating: “Any attempt to illegally access the area is highly discouraged.”
Matty Roberts, the group’s main organiser, was not happy with Facebook’s decision to remove the event from their site.
“I think it’s pretty reckless of Facebook, especially because I’m trying to direct people away from storming the base. And now I’ve lost my entire audience,” Roberts told CNET.
Surprisingly, Storm Area 51 became the biggest meme of 2019.
Music for the Martians
Now, instead of raiding the highly secure military base, earthlings are invited to party at a music festival dubbed “Alien Stock.”
Named after 1969’s iconic Woodstock festival, Alien Stock was posted on Facebook and has quickly gained over 2000 RSPV’s.
With camping, music, art installations and surprise performances, attendees are promised a “party in the desert.”
Speaking to Metro, Matty commented: “We have performers lined up both massive and small ones local to me and my planning partner. The event itself will be free, all we’re planning to charge for is parking and camping spaces.’”
Matty added: “I’m so excited for this thing man, it’s the biggest thing I’ve ever done and it’s so cool!”
Not so stellar
While Matty may be thrilled, the student’s Martian music festival has received some criticism.

For one, the festival is located in the small town of Rachel, Nevada. A town of just over 50 people. As Matty expects a festival attendance of 20,000 people, the supposed crowd would easily engulf the town.
In preparation, Rachel landowners are already selling camping spots for parking. Guests are encouraged to carpool and the details about accommodation and food were kept vague.
The site reads: “The little A’lE’INN is the only hotel and diner in the whole town. They’re already preparing for this event – so we’ve decided to turn this into a festival and help them organise.”
So, will Alien Stock be out of this world? Or crash and burn worse than the Roswell incident? Only time will tell, but with only a month to go and a whole lot to organise, we’re all rooting for Matty to launch this festival to stratospherically epic heights.
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